공개 노트 검색


I have been listening bollywood song lately, it is so catchy that I can't stop singing them. W hen I first heard one, I was a bit surpised because it was so upbeat for me. However, after listening to it a few time, I found myself singing it while I work.

Living in America is truly like living in a salad bowl.

I have been exposed to different cultures lately even within a day. I

  • Lately, I have been exposed to difference culture, sometimes even within a day.

I am living in the misssion district, SF, where is known as a place for hispanic culture.

  • I am living in the Mission District of San Francisco, an area known for its strong hispanic influence.

My roommates are white American who grew up in mid-west, bring with them middle class white culture.

My friends are asian American who grew up in the Bay, offering glimps high class asian culture in America. I have been enjoying to experience this little pockets of cultures in America. I often thought that I will never like this country as it was hard for me to feel belong in this country. But I think I start like this part of this country.

After living with multi-cultural country, I have learned how to calibrate my behaviors with different people. Everyone have different boundary, things that they care about. Some culture use bigger body lanaguages, or some culture empathize indivisualism so on and so forth.

Living in such a multicultural environment has also taught me how to adapt my behavior to different people. Everyone has their own boundaries and values. Some cultures are more expressive with body language, while others place a greater emphasis on individualism. It’s been a fascinating learning process.

cripples 불구자

I am doing on purpose. 일부러 그러는 거에요.

spot on! exactly!

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