공개 노트 검색

AI 대전에서 구글이 날린 회심의 한방. 구글 NotebookLM 사용기

옵시디언에 그동안 써두었던 글 중 76개(md 파일)를 txt 파일로 변환하여 구글 NotebookLM에 올렸습니다. 퍼블리시한 글은 다 올리고 싶었는데 제약이 있습니다. 제 경우 한 노트북에 76개 파일까지밖에 안 올라가서 일단 그것을 바탕으로 질문했습니다.

우선 주요 키워드를 추출하라고 했습니다. 영어공부, 글쓰기, 메모, 시간 관리, 루틴, 회고 등이 제 주요 관심사인데 잘 짚어냅니다.

Here are 15 keywords from the text:

  • English Study: The author frequently discusses their English study journey, particularly focusing on speaking practice.

  • Writing: Writing is a significant theme, with the author aiming to write consistently and improve their skills.

  • Memo: The author emphasizes using memos as a tool for learning, idea generation, and personal growth.

  • Freelancing: The author's experience transitioning to freelancing, including the challenges and opportunities it presents, is a recurring topic.

  • Self-improvement: The author is focused on personal growth and development, exploring various methods for self-improvement.

  • Mindset: The importance of cultivating a positive and resilient mindset is highlighted throughout the text.

  • Uncertainty: The author grapples with uncertainty in their career and life, seeking ways to navigate and embrace it.

  • Emotions: Managing and understanding emotions, particularly negative ones, is a recurring theme.

  • Time Management: The author emphasizes the significance of time management in achieving goals and living a fulfilling life.

  • Motivation: Maintaining motivation, particularly in the context of long-term goals, is a key concern for the author.

  • Goals: Setting and pursuing goals, both personal and professional, is a consistent thread throughout the text.

  • Routine: Establishing and maintaining routines, especially for learning and self-improvement, is emphasized.

  • Value: Identifying and living in accordance with personal values is a recurring idea in the author's reflections.

  • Review: The author frequently mentions reviewing their progress and experiences as a means of learning and improvement.

  • Learning: Continuous learning, whether it's English, writing, or personal development, is a central theme for the author.

다음으로는 AI가 제가 올린 소스를 바탕으로 만들어낸 질문 중 하나를 클릭하여 답변을 얻었습니다. 제가 쓴 글의 내용을 바탕으로 적절히 답합니다. 제가 올린 소스 어느 부분에서 답변 내용을 가져온 것인지 출처 표기도 매우 구체적이서 좋습니다.

Q: How does the author suggest managing uncertainty and maintaining emotional stability?

AI 대전에서 구글이 날린 회심의 한방. 구글 NotebookLM 사용기 image 1

위 내용을 한글로 요약하라고 시켰을 때도 무난합니다.

AI 대전에서 구글이 날린 회심의 한방. 구글 NotebookLM 사용기 image 2

다시 AI가 생성한 질문을 그대로 해봅니다. 받은 답변을 살펴보면 또 하나의 블로그 포스트로 그대로 올려도 될 정도입니다. 재미나이 생각보다 똘똘하네요.

Q: What are the author's strategies for coping with uncertainty and maintaining mental well-being?

Strategies for Managing Uncertainty and Prioritizing Well-being

Here are some of the author's strategies for coping with uncertainty and maintaining mental well-being:

  • Acknowledge and accept negative emotions: The author emphasizes that attempting to suppress thoughts or emotions is counterproductive, as they tend to resurface. Instead, they suggest non-judgmentally acknowledging and accepting these feelings as a step towards better coping mechanisms.

  • Focus on controllable actions: In the face of uncertainty, the author advocates for focusing on actions within one's control. They highlight the importance of recognizing that while we cannot control everything, we can choose our responses and actions.

  • Find meaning and purpose beyond work: The author highlights the potential pitfalls of equating self-worth with career success or productivity. They suggest cultivating diverse interests and "side hustles" to foster self-complexity and create alternative sources of fulfillment and resilience.

  • Utilize journaling and reflection: The author emphasizes the benefits of journaling and reflection for gaining self-awareness and understanding. Regularly reviewing these records helps identify patterns in thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, leading to a more objective and comprehensive self-view.

  • Embrace gratitude: The author keeps a gratitude journal, finding it a simple yet powerful tool for shifting perspective and fostering well-being, especially during challenging times. They acknowledge the scientifically-supported benefits of this practice.

  • Reframe stress as a potential positive: Instead of viewing stress solely as detrimental, the author suggests reframing it as a signal for needed change and an opportunity for growth. This perspective can enhance self-control and lead to more adaptive stress responses.

The author also emphasizes the importance of self-compassion, particularly when facing setbacks or pain. They offer a three-step approach to apply self-compassion:

  • Non-judgmental awareness: Pay attention to your current emotions, thoughts, and physical sensations without judgment.

  • Common humanity: Recognize that experiencing these feelings in response to pain is normal and shared by many.

  • Self-kindness: Instead of being self-critical, treat yourself with the same kindness and understanding you would offer a loved one in pain.

The author emphasizes that these practices can help navigate uncertainty and prioritize mental well-being, promoting a more balanced and fulfilling life.

인공지능 학습에 사용자가 올린 소스를 활용하지 않는다고 명시해 놓았지만 인간 리뷰어가 성능 개선 목적에서 질문과 AI 응답을 열람하는 건 가능하다는 단서를 달아 놓았습니다. 이에 민감한 개인 정보는 올리지 말 것을 권고하기도 하네요.

올릴 수 있는 용량의 제약이 어디까지인지는 정확히 찾지 못 했습니다. 업로드 가능 최대 소스 개수가 50~80개 정도로 추정됩니다. 소스 당 단어 제약은 500,000 words라고 명시돼 있습니다.

한 노트북 안에 400페이지 이상 pdf 두 개 올려도 잘 올라가고 소스에 근거한 답변도 훌륭합니다.

타임라인 기능이 있는데 이것도 재미있습니다. 제 글을 바탕으로 일종의 biography를 만들어 줍니다.

Timeline of Events

It is difficult to establish a precise timeline of events from the provided text excerpts, as they primarily focus on the author's personal experiences, thoughts on productivity, and self-improvement strategies rather than recounting a specific series of events.

However, we can loosely structure a timeline based on the author's personal journey and the development of their habits:


  • Over 10 years ago: The author begins their career as a clinical psychologist, specializing in psychological assessments.

  • Early Career: The author works primarily as a full-time employee, likely in a clinical setting.

  • Around 5 years ago: The author begins to study English seriously, dedicating consistent effort to language learning.

  • 2+ years ago: Influenced by Peter Drucker's "The Effective Executive," the author starts meticulously tracking their time using the Toggl app.

  • Around 2 years ago: The author transitions from full-time employment to becoming a freelancer.

  • 2022: The author experiences increased work hours and intensity as a freelancer, leading them to prioritize daily highlights and find fulfillment in their personal pursuits. They begin writing weekly articles on Brunch and sharing them on Twitter.

  • Late 2022: The author begins focusing on "note-taking" and gathering at least two notes per weekday. They start a psychology newsletter, leveraging their English skills and professional knowledge.

  • 2023: The author completes 1 year and 8 months of consistent speaking practice, culminating in 3-minute talks. They participate in a daily English self-talk recording group. Their focus shifts towards connecting their notes and generating output, aiming for at least one output per week based on their accumulated notes. They also consider writing a Brunch Book.


  • The author continues their work as a freelance clinical psychologist while actively exploring ways to increase the proportion of counseling in their work.

  • They remain committed to their self-improvement journey, focusing on language learning (English, Spanish, and potentially others), writing, and personal growth.

  • The author actively seeks to connect their professional work with their passion for English, evident in their use of English-language resources and their psychology newsletter.

  • They actively reflect on their experiences and share their insights on productivity, habit formation, and personal growth through their writing.


  • The author aims to further develop their English speaking skills, setting a goal to reach a B1 level and potentially creating 30-minute English reviews of the books they read.

  • They plan to continue writing consistently, aiming to publish a Brunch Book and exploring potential avenues for monetizing their content.

  • The author seeks to integrate their personal and professional identities further, potentially leveraging their English skills and psychological expertise to create valuable content or pursue opportunities abroad.

This timeline reflects the limited information available in the provided excerpts. A more detailed and precise timeline would require additional information about specific events and their chronological order.

Cast of Characters

The Author (Name Unknown):

  • Bio: A freelance clinical psychologist with over 10 years of experience, specializing in psychological assessments. In addition to their professional work, they are deeply passionate about language learning, particularly English, and are committed to continuous self-improvement. They are a prolific note-taker, actively using this practice to generate written content, primarily on the platform Brunch. The author is introspective, analytical, and driven, continuously seeking ways to integrate their personal and professional passions. They are exploring avenues to leverage their skills and knowledge to create valuable content and potentially transition towards a career with a greater emphasis on counseling.

Other Individuals Mentioned:

  • Peter Drucker: A renowned management consultant and author, known for his seminal work "The Effective Executive," which significantly influenced the author's approach to time management.

  • BJ Fogg: A behavioral scientist known for his work on habit formation, particularly emphasizing the importance of positive emotions in sustaining habits. The author resonates with Fogg's emphasis on positive reinforcement in habit formation.

  • Adam Alter: An author who, like the author, emphasizes the significance of daily actions and progress over focusing solely on grand ambitions and end goals.

  • "세이노" (Seyno): An influential Korean author known for their practical advice on self-improvement and success. The author connects with Seyno's emphasis on consistent effort and small steps towards progress.

  • Grace Lordan: The author of "Think Big," whose work resonates with the author's belief in setting ambitious goals while focusing on small, sustainable daily actions.

  • Daniel Kahneman: A Nobel laureate and psychologist known for his work on cognitive biases and decision-making. The author references Kahneman's concept of System 1 (intuitive) and System 2 (deliberate) thinking.

  • Lisa Feldman Barrett: A renowned neuroscientist known for her work on the "constructed theory of emotions." The author finds parallels between Barrett's work and the power of note-taking in shaping perception and experience.

  • Carl Newport: An author known for his work on deep work and focus. The author connects with Newport's idea that our attention shapes our reality and self-concept.

  • 정김경숙 (Jung Kim Kyung-sook): A former Google Korea executive who successfully navigated a career transition after being laid off. The author draws inspiration from Jung's resilience and adaptability in reshaping her self-concept and pursuing new opportunities.

  • Brad Stulberg: An author who emphasizes the importance of having multiple "rooms" in one's "identity house" to navigate life's challenges, a concept that resonates with the author's belief in building a multifaceted sense of self.

  • "분석맨" (Analysis Man): An individual who runs the website "Second Brain" and emphasizes the importance of externalizing thoughts and managing energy effectively. The author finds value in Analysis Man's approach to knowledge management and productivity.

  • "Martius": An individual on Twitter whose quote about marriage resonating with the author's belief in the importance of predictability and trust in a relationship.

  • "오박사님" (Dr. Oh): Likely a relationship expert or television personality, known for providing blunt advice on dating and relationships. The author references Dr. Oh's advice in the context of managing silence and avoiding rash decisions.

This cast of characters sheds light on the individuals and ideas that have shaped the author's thinking and journey. Their experiences and perspectives offer valuable insights into the author's own pursuit of personal and professional growth.

위 내용의 목차를 만들라고 시키니 아래와 같이 테마별로 목차를 만듭니다.

Thematic Outline of "New Note"

I. Personal Journey and Self-Improvement

  • A. Career Path:Early career as a full-time clinical psychologist specializing in assessments.

  • Transition to freelance work around 2 years ago.

  • Desire to increase focus on counseling in the future.

  • B. Language Learning:Dedicated study of English for over 5 years.

  • Current focus on speaking practice, aiming for B1 level.

  • Interest in learning Spanish and potentially other languages.

  • C. Writing and Content Creation:Began writing weekly articles on Brunch in 2022.

  • Started a psychology newsletter leveraging English skills.

  • Goal of writing a Brunch Book and exploring content monetization.

  • D. Habit Formation and Productivity:Influence of Peter Drucker and meticulous time tracking.

  • Focus on daily highlights and finding fulfillment in personal pursuits.

  • Emphasis on note-taking and generating at least one output per week.

  • Resonates with BJ Fogg's emphasis on positive reinforcement in habit building.

  • Inspired by Adam Alter's focus on daily actions over grand ambitions.

II. Key Philosophies and Influences

  • A. Importance of Consistent Effort and Small Steps:Inspired by "세이노" (Seyno) and Grace Lordan's emphasis on daily actions.

  • B. Power of Note-Taking and Reflection:Connects with Lisa Feldman Barrett's work on constructed emotions.

  • Sees note-taking as a tool for shaping perception and experience.

  • C. Shaping Identity and Navigating Challenges:Inspired by Carl Newport's idea of attention shaping reality.

  • Resonates with Brad Stulberg's concept of "rooms" in one's "identity house."

  • Admires Jung Kim Kyung-sook's resilience and career transition.

  • D. Externalizing Thoughts and Managing Energy:Finds value in "분석맨" (Analysis Man)'s approach to knowledge management.

III. Relationships and Interpersonal Dynamics

  • A. Value of Predictability and Trust:Connects with a quote from "Martius" about marriage.

  • B. Importance of Communication and Timing:References advice from "오박사님" (Dr. Oh) on managing silence in relationships.

IV. Future Aspirations and Goals

  • A. Language Fluency:Reach a B1 level in English.

  • Create 30-minute English reviews of books read.

  • B. Professional Growth:Transition towards a greater focus on counseling.

  • Potentially leverage skills and expertise for opportunities abroad.

  • C. Content Creation and Impact:Publish a Brunch Book.

  • Explore avenues for monetizing content.

V. Unclear Elements and Potential for Further Exploration

  • Specific details about the author's personal life and relationships.

  • The specific content and focus of the author's psychology newsletter.

  • The timeline and details of the author's freelance work experiences.

  • A deeper dive into the author's process of note-taking and content generation.

  • The specific challenges and successes encountered in the author's self-improvement journey.

한 줄 총평: 개인 데이터베이스에서 퍼플렉서티를 활용하는 느낌입니다. 똘똘한 ISTJ 비서와 함께 효과적/효율적으로 지식 관리하세요. 무료입니다.

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