공개 노트 검색

20240530 Daily English Writing Practice_stand out

  • source:: Rethinking Sex, Desire and Intimacy | Spotlight Convo - Good Life Project

  • time:: 10

  • characters:: 210

  • writing:: I have a tendency to focus negative things easily. Focusing positive things intentionally give a balance to me, but the things aren't stand out, so I have to think about it intentionally and write about it.

  • corrected1:: I have a tendency to focus on negative things easily. Intentionally focusing on positive things gives me a balance, but they don't stand out, so I have to think about it intentionally and write about it.

  • 20240530 Daily English Writing Practice_stand out image 1

  • feedback::

    • Consider rephrasing "the things aren't stand out" to "the positive things don't stand out" for clarity.

    • Instead of "Focusing positive things intentionally give a balance to me," you could say "Intentionally focusing on positive things helps me maintain a balance."

    • The phrase "I have to think about it intentionally and write about it" is a bit vague. It would be more helpful if you specify what you are thinking about and writing about in this context.

    • Consider using the adverb "intentionally" before "write about it" to maintain parallel structure with the previous statement.

  • corrected2:: I tend to easily focus on negative things. Intentionally focusing on positive things gives me balance, but they don't stand out, so I have to intentionally think about them and write about them.

Original SentenceKorean ExplanationExample Sentences
Having talks about sex completely separate ____ sex from sex, the post-game is the next step."Set apart"는 별도로 두다, 분리하다라는 의미입니다.1. We should set apart some time for this project.
2. They decided to set apart their personal and professional lives.
3. The meeting room was set apart for special discussions.
And I think that this can work so well because you’ve just had a really specific example that you can ____ to."Turn to"는 참조하다, 의지하다라는 의미입니다.1. Whenever I need advice, I turn to my mentor.
2. She turned to her notes to find the information.
3. They turned to their friends for support.
I think any time you want to ____ back around to it is fine, and especially in this initial stage of just getting comfortable with it."Loop back around"는 다시 언급하다, 돌아가다라는 의미입니다.1. Let's loop back around to this topic later.
2. We can loop back around to that idea in our next meeting.
3. I'll loop back around to your question after the presentation.
We’re focusing more on the positive things, the things that ____ out."Stand out"는 두드러지다, 눈에 띄다라는 의미입니다.1. Her performance really stands out.
2. The bright color stands out against the dark background.
3. He stands out in a crowd.
One of the things that you invite people to ____ into is the notion of rituals."Dive into"는 깊이 탐구하다, 몰두하다라는 의미입니다.1. She loves to dive into new projects.
2. They decided to dive into the research.
3. Let's dive into the details of the plan.
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