공개 노트 검색

20240529 Daily English Writing Practice_start over

  • source:: Bonus episode #102 – Andrew gets interviewed | Culips English Podcast

  • time:: 10

  • characters:: 184

  • writing:: I have to take care of many tasks that I have responsibility. Everyday I show up and do what I have to do. It's simple but sometimes I can't. Even though I start over whenever I can't.

  • corrected1:: I have to take care of many tasks for which I am responsible. Every day I show up and do what I have to do. It's simple, but sometimes I can't. Even though I start over whenever I can't.

  • 20240529 Daily English Writing Practice_start over image 1

  • feedback::

    • Consider providing specific examples of the tasks you have to take care of to give the reader a clearer understanding of your responsibilities.

    • The sentence "Everyday I show up and do what I have to do" could be improved by adding more specific details about what you do, making the writing more cohesive and engaging.

    • Instead of "Even though I start over whenever I can't," you could say "However, I always start over when I encounter difficulties," to make the sentence clearer and more concise.

    • Consider using more varied sentence structures to improve the overall flow and readability of the writing. For example, you could combine shorter sentences to create more complex ones.

  • corrected2:: I have many responsibilities to take care of every day. I show up and do what needs to be done. It's simple, but sometimes I struggle. However, I always start over when I can't.

Original SentenceKorean ExplanationExample Sentences
I need to take off for a bit."Take off"는 잠시 자리를 떠나다라는 뜻입니다.1. She needs to take off for a few minutes.
2. Let's take off before it gets too late.
3. He decided to take off early.
I've been getting into this sitcom, this Korean sitcom recently called 'High Kick'."Get into"는 무언가에 빠지다, 관심을 가지다라는 의미입니다.1. He's been getting into painting recently.
2. She's getting into yoga these days.
3. They've been getting into gardening lately.
When I first showed up, it was a little bit more chaotic in a way."Show up"는 나타나다, 도착하다라는 의미입니다.1. When he first showed up, he didn't know anyone.
2. When we first showed up, it was raining.
3. When they first showed up, the store was closed.
It seems like every five or 10 years, it almost starts over."Start over"는 다시 시작하다라는 의미입니다.1. The company starts over every few years.
2. She starts over after each challenge.
3. The city starts over to attract new residents.
It seems like safety wasn't a priority that was on anybody's radar, so I had to take care of it."Take care of"는 돌보다, 책임지다라는 의미입니다.1. She takes care of her younger brother.
2. He takes care of the garden every weekend.
3. They take care of all the paperwork.
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