공개 노트 검색

20240528 Daily English Writing Practice_I was not able to

  • source:: Internal motivation needed: Why you Need English - YouTube

  • time:: 10

  • characters:: 316

  • writing:: Using AI can open lots of possibility as Using English. For example, I wasn't able to think about become a programmer before I use Chatgpt, but nowdays anyone can build their own chatbot. We are in front of age of what matter is creativity. Think what you want and make it real with programing skill supported by AI.

  • corrected1:: Using AI can open lots of possibilities, just like using English. For example, I wasn't able to think about becoming a programmer before I used Chatgpt, but nowadays anyone can build their own chatbot. We are in the age where creativity matters. Think about what you want and make it real with programming skills supported by AI.

  • 20240528 Daily English Writing Practice_I was not able to image 1

  • feedback::

    • Consider revising the sentence "For example, I wasn't able to think about become a programmer before I use Chatgpt," for clarity and cohesion. It could be rephrased as "For example, before using ChatGPT, I never thought about becoming a programmer."

    • "nowdays" should be "nowadays" for correct spelling.

    • Consider revising "We are in front of age of what matter is creativity" for clarity. It could be rephrased as "We are in an age where creativity matters most."

    • "Think what you want and make it real with programing skill supported by AI" could be improved by rephrasing it as "Imagine what you want and bring it to life with programming skills supported by AI."

  • corrected2:: Using AI can open up many possibilities, such as the ability to become a programmer with tools like ChatGPT. We are in an age where creativity matters. Think of what you want and make it a reality with programming skills supported by AI.

패턴원문 문장의미예문
I was not able toI was not able to record a video.나는 ~할 수 없었다- I was not able to attend the meeting.
- She was not able to finish her homework.
- They were not able to find the address.
kind ofI'm kind of good enough.다소, 어느 정도- I'm kind of tired today.
- He's kind of busy right now.
- This is kind of interesting.
be able toI'm much much better, I'm recovering, I'm going to recover very soon.~할 수 있다- She will be able to help you tomorrow.
- They were able to solve the problem.
- He is able to speak three languages.
a couple ofA couple of minutes ago, I was scrolling through some comments.두서너 개의, 몇몇- I need a couple of volunteers.
- She bought a couple of books.
- We met a couple of times.
in front ofI am able to be in front of you guys.~앞에, ~을 마주보고- The teacher stood in front of the class.
- There was a big tree in front of the house.
- He parked his car in front of the building.
in order toIn order to get a job in another country.~하기 위해- She studied hard in order to pass the exam.
- We need to leave early in order to avoid traffic.
- He works two jobs in order to support his family.
keep ~ingThat really has kept me moving forward.계속 ~하다- She kept talking despite the interruptions.
- He keeps calling me every day.
- They kept working until the job was done.
connected withYou're going to have more chances to be connected with other people.~와 연결된- She feels more connected with nature.
- He is connected with many influential people.
- They stayed connected with their old friends.
because ofHe first needs the language of English because of his profession.~때문에- She missed the meeting because of traffic.
- They were late because of the weather.
- He couldn't join us because of his busy schedule.
have toYou have to get a good score.~해야 한다- I have to finish this report by tomorrow.
- She has to attend the meeting.
- They have to follow the rules.
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