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20240519 Daily English Writing Practice_Over the last...

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  • source:: Bonus episode #097 – Binge-watching | Culips English Podcast 3쪽

  • time:: 30

  • characters:: 279

  • pettern:: 1) I'm going to 2) I hope (that) 3) over the last

  • writing:: ==Over the last== two or three weeks I have binge-watched netflix drama in English, because ==I hope that== I'll get comfortable watching English drama. As I watch more netflix drama without English subtitle, listning skills will improve. So ==I'm going to== watch more as possible as I can.

  • corrected:: Over the last two or three weeks, I have binge-watched a Netflix drama in English because I hope that I'll get comfortable watching English drama. As I watch more Netflix drama without English subtitles, my listening skills will improve. So I'm going to watch as much as possible.

20240519 Daily English Writing Practice_Over the last... image 1

패턴원문의 문장설명예문
I think that...I think that I'm going to be pretty occupied this weekend...어떤 의견이나 생각을 표현할 때 쓰입니다. "나는 ...라고 생각해"와 같은 의미입니다.- I think that learning English is fun.
- I think that he will arrive soon.
- I think that we should leave now.
- I think that this is a good idea.
- I think that she is very talented.
I'm going to......I am going to be doing a 38-kilometer trail race through the mountains...미래에 할 계획이나 의도를 나타낼 때 쓰입니다. "나는 ...할 거야"와 같은 의미입니다.- I'm going to visit my friend tomorrow.
- I'm going to study hard for the exam.
- I'm going to start a new hobby.
- I'm going to buy a new phone.
- I'm going to cook dinner tonight.
I hope (that)...So, I hope you'll enjoy this story...기대하거나 바라는 바를 표현할 때 사용됩니다. "나는 ...를 바라"와 같은 의미입니다.- I hope (that) you have a great day.
- I hope (that) we can meet soon.
- I hope (that) it doesn't rain tomorrow.
- I hope (that) you like the gift.
- I hope (that) everything goes well.
Over the last...Over the last couple of weeks...최근 특정 기간 동안 일어난 일이나 경험을 설명할 때 사용됩니다. "지난 ...동안" 같은 의미입니다.- Over the last few months, I have been very busy.
- Over the last year, she has improved a lot.
- Over the last weekend, we went hiking.
- Over the last day, the weather has been great.
- Over the last hour, I finished my homework.
It's called......this show? It's new on Netflix. It's called, in English, 'The Three-Body Problem'.어떤 것의 이름이나 제목을 소개할 때 쓰입니다. "그것은 ...라고 불려"와 같은 의미입니다.- This book is called "Harry Potter".
- The movie is called "Inception".
- The place is called "Central Park".
- The song is called "Yesterday".
- The game is called "Chess".
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