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Hugh Grant, you've acted with Donald Trump. he... he've always wanted to be in my stuff. Harriten Camio. We didn't mentioned. (I hope that it doens't spoil it at all) but you have acted with him. Yes, he was. He played a bit part as himself in the romantic comedy I did with Sandra Bullock. But the fact is I don't really remember him very well. The night he came, I had a bet with Sandy that I can make the chairman(회장) of Warner Brothers cry by 9 pm and I was completly focused on that. It was a quite a big bet. She didn't believe that I could do it but I did it. I quite knew him quite well and I adored him and I think he was a rather emotional irish man. I knew that if I either mention his children or his father or Castle Rock pictures that he used to be a head of and loved, I knew that he would tear up. and I mentioned that over and over and he was visiting the set that night and finally by about 8:30 he was in floods of tears. I'm afraid that Donald Trump was not really register. But he was nice to you? All I remember is that day or two afterwards, I've got a call I've been made a memeber of Trump National New york. Alright then, which was a gold club. I don't remember greatly as a person. I'm not sure if he does.

But problem is I don't remember him.

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