공개 노트 검색


아이엘츠 part 2

  • 스피킹 필수 탬플릿

최근 본 영화 (A Recent Movie You Watched)

  • "One movie I watched recently is called [movie name]. I saw it a few weeks ago, and it left a strong impression on me because..."_

Description phrases:

"The movie was about..." (to describe the plot)

"What I found most interesting was..."

"The characters were well-developed, especially..."

"The setting of the movie was in..." (for location description)

"The movie made me feel..." (to talk about your emotions)

  • 예시: "One movie I watched recently is called Inception. I saw it a few weeks ago, and it left a strong impression on me because of its unique concept and mind-bending plot. The movie was about a group of people who enter dreams to manipulate others' thoughts. What I found most interesting was the way they portrayed dreams and reality. The setting was in different places, but it was all very surreal. The movie made me feel curious and excited throughout."

2. 감명 깊은 책 (An Inspiring book)

"A book that really inspired me is called [book name]. I read it recently, and it changed the way I think about..."_

Description phrases:

"The book is about..."

"One of the key messages is..."

"The author explains..." (to describe the writing style)

"I was particularly moved by..."

"It made me reflect on..." (to express personal impact)

  • 예시 :"A book that really inspired me is called The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. I read it recently, and it changed the way I think about following my dreams. The book is about a young boy who goes on a journey to find a treasure, but along the way, he learns important life lessons. One of the key messages is that sometimes, the journey is more important than the destination. I was particularly moved by the idea that we already have the power to achieve our dreams inside us. It made me reflect on my own goals and life path."

3. 좋은 서비스 경험 (A Good Service Experience at a Restaurant or Store)

"A recent experience where I received excellent service was at [restaurant/store name]. I went there to... and the staff were extremely helpful because..."_

Description phrases:

"The service was outstanding because..."

"The staff were very friendly/polite/professional..."

"What impressed me most was..."

"The atmosphere of the place was..." (to describe the environment)

"I really appreciated how they..." (to mention specific actions)

  • 예시: "A recent experience where I received excellent service was at a restaurant called The Olive Garden. I went there to have dinner with my family, and the staff were extremely helpful because they were attentive and quick to respond to our needs. The service was outstanding because they made sure we were comfortable at all times. The atmosphere of the place was cozy and welcoming, which made the experience even better. I really appreciated how they offered us free dessert when they heard it was my son's birthday. It was such a thoughtful gesture."

Useful Descriptive Phrases:

  • For People: "He/She was very [kind, helpful, attentive, professional]."

For Places: "The atmosphere was [cozy, relaxing, lively, noisy]."

For Experiences: "I was [amazed, surprised, impressed] by..."

For Time: "It happened [recently, a few weeks ago, last month]."

최근 받아본 좋은 서비스

A recent experience where I received outstanding service was at a snack bar called Sopung. The service was outstanding because the owner always prepares my regular order, beef kimbap, whenever I call in the morning. My work starts at 10 AM, so when I’m in a rush, I can call just five minutes before I reach the office, and my breakfast is ready by the time I arrive. The staff are very friendly and professional, especially considering how busy they can be in the mornings. What impressed me most was how the owner remembers my name and exactly what I order each day without me having to remind them.

The atmosphere of the place is warm and comforting, run by an elderly couple who treat their regular customers with genuine care. It’s not like a big franchise restaurant, and that makes it feel much more personal. I really appreciated how they often give me a little something extra, like fruit or rice cakes, when I visit during lunchtime. Even when the owner is busy, I can handle the payment myself, using the card machine, which shows the trust they have in their customers.

This kind of personalized service makes me feel valued and reminds me of my parents who live far away. Visiting Sopung feels like being part of a small, caring community, which is why I keep going back."

  • 최근 본 영화에 대해 소개하는 스피킹 템플릿 제공

    • 영화 줄거리 설명: "The movie was about..."

    • 인상 깊은 점 설명: "What I found most interesting was..."

    • 캐릭터 묘사: "The characters were well-developed, especially..."

    • 영화 배경 설명: "The setting of the movie was in..."

    • 감정 표현: "The movie made me feel..."

    • 예시: 영화 '인셉션(Inception)' 소개

  • 감명 깊은 책에 대해 이야기하는 스피킹 템플릿 제공

    • 책 내용 설명: "The book is about..."

    • 핵심 메시지 설명: "One of the key messages is..."

    • 작가의 글 스타일 설명: "The author explains..."

    • 개인적으로 인상 깊었던 부분: "I was particularly moved by..."

    • 개인에게 미친 영향 설명: "It made me reflect on..."

    • 예시: 책 '연금술사(The Alchemist)' 소개

  • 좋은 서비스 경험 소개를 위한 스피킹 템플릿 제공

    • 서비스가 훌륭했던 이유 설명: "The service was outstanding because..."

    • 직원의 서비스 태도: "The staff were very friendly/polite/professional..."

    • 인상 깊었던 점: "What impressed me most was..."

    • 장소 분위기 설명: "The atmosphere of the place was..."

    • 감사한 행위 언급: "I really appreciated how they..."

    • 예시: 레스토랑 '올리브 가든(The Olive Garden)'에서의 경험

  • 유용한 묘사 표현 제공

    • 사람 묘사: "He/She was very [kind, helpful, attentive, professional]..."

    • 장소 묘사: "The atmosphere was [cozy, relaxing, lively, noisy]..."

    • 경험 묘사: "I was [amazed, surprised, impressed] by..."

    • 시간 표현: "It happened [recently, a few weeks ago, last month]..."

  • 실제 좋은 서비스 경험 예시: 간식바 '소풍(Sopung)'에서의 경험

    • 매일 아침 주문한 김밥 준비해주는 주인

    • 직원의 친절하고 전문적인 태도

    • 주인이 고객의 이름과 주문을 기억하는 점

    • 따뜻하고 편안한 분위기, 소규모 상점의 개인적인 느낌

    • 추가로 제공되는 과일이나 떡 등 감사한 행위

    • 자주 방문하는 이유 및 신뢰를 느끼는 이유 설명

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