공개 노트 검색


"We all just trying to figure out our life."

Being in tweenty is all about being in transitions.

  • "Your twenties are a constant phase of transitions."

Am I going to take more risks or am I going to sattle down?

  • "Will I take more risks, or will I choose to settle down?"

Do I know myself enough or I won't like the choice that I am making later in my life.

  • "Do I know myself well enough, or will I regret the choices I’m making later in life?"

I made a lots of dumb choices in my life and I don't want this to be happen again. People often told me that you need to believe in yourself.

  • "I've made plenty of dumb choices in my life, and I don't want to repeat them. People often tell me I just need to believe in myself."

I have obnoxious confidence in the morning but once my mon said something about that I am doing, my confident goes bottom of the groud. Where is my life going?

  • "I feel incredibly confident in the mornings, but as soon as my mom comments on what I'm doing, my confidence completely crashes. I can't help but wonder—where is my life headed?"

  • "I have an almost obnoxious level of confidence in the morning, but the moment my mom says something about what I’m doing, my confidence hits rock bottom. Where is my life even going?"

I want to be free from everything.

I don't want to define myself with my carrer, my friend, my significant other or where I live.

Where I want to get away from?

  • "I don't want my career, my friends, my significant other, or my circumstances to define who I am."

But why I wake up in the moring with a nightmare with all the things that I left on.

  • "But why do I wake up in the morning feeling haunted by all the things I’ve left unresolved?"

  • Haunt: 뇌리에 박히다.

  • He was not a confident public speaker, perhaps haunted by the memory of a stammer that for many years had dogged his youth. (determined)

Why I can't stop rumminate with things that I left on.

  • "Why can't I stop ruminating about the things I've left unfinished?"

외줄타기를 하는 것 같아. 현자리는 줄위에서 과거와 미래라는 양끝에 달린 긴 봉을 가지면서. 나는 앞으로 나야가지만 항상 긴 봉 양 끝에 달린 나의 짐들과 함께 발랜스를 맞추면서. 이런 나를 누구에게 들어내야할까. 억지로 과거 그리고 미래로 가고 싶지만 갈 수 있는건 줄 아래 일 뿐이야. 너가 나를 안아 줄 수 있을까. 내가 너를 안을 수 있을까.

  • "I feel like I’m walking a tightrope. The current moment is like a long pole balancing on either end with the past and the future. I want to move forward, but I’m always trying to balance the burdens I carry on both ends of the pole. Who should I reveal this to? I want to forcefully move toward the past and the future, but all I can do is remain below the tightrope. Can you hold me? Can I hold you?"

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