How to know a person: Ch2
Chapter 2
combust: comsumed by fire, 연소하다
proclivity: a tendency to choose or do something regulary.
But most of us have all sorts of inborn proclivities that prevent us from perceiving others accurately.
Persona: 개인이 사회생활 속에서 사람들로부터 비난받지 않기 위해 겉으로 드러내는, 자신의 본성과는 다른 태도나 성격. 사회의 규범과 관습을 내면화한 것임.
Mourning Papa became her profession, her identity, her persona
Mesmerizing: 매혹적인 hold the attention of someone to the exlusion of all else
Vivian spent her adult years trying to win some measure of inependence from this dominating, difficult, and throughly mesmerizing mother.
She was uncannily smart and empathetic, with a mesmerizing wild streak.
Give a deep understanding of human nautre, or each human being.
Brief summary of ch 2: don't be a diminisher who don't really care about other people's feeling, thought or exsistence.
Chapter 3
tenderness: 다정함
Tenderness is deep emotional concern about another being.
He gave her a tender look.
She was tender and loving with her new child.
biblical: related to bible
In the biblical world, "knowing" is also a whole body expereicne.
stingy: 구두쇠인
He is stingy
A holistic attitude:: see them as a whole
espitemology: 지식에 대한 제반 사항을 다루는 철학의 한 분야로서 지식의 본질, 신념의 합리성과 정당성 등을 연구한다. 고대 그리스어의 episteme(지식 또는 인식)와 logos(이론)을 합친 데에서 비롯하였다. what do people know, how do we know what we know?
hedonist: pleasant seeker lol