공개 노트 검색


Things are moving along.

I finally know how to make a choice in life. I finally know how to stick with my deicision. I finally know how to belive in myself.

Early of the day, I've watched a youtube video about an interview of a k-pop idol producer. They said that they always stop contacting with their traniees once they debute. It's mainly becuase so many things change once they became a celebrity and they tends to relies on the things that they left. To let them figure out their life by themselves and learn how to be independent, they stop contacting with them.

I could totally related on that. Things have changed a lot. Every time that I have faced some hardships in America, I wanted to rely on people that I care in Korea. I know it's natural but now I know that I should figure out to deal with this new life myself in America.

I made a new friends group in SF. They all just moved to SF after they graduated from college like me. I often get envy about their career. Two of them are working in Google as a soft engineer, one of them is working as a producer for local news channel. All of them are sweet and caring. I hung out with them yesterday for my friend, Grace's house warming party. Her place looks awesome. She are living at an apartment complex in farmont, SF. The place almost looks like an hotel. It has fire pit on their rooftop, gyms and lots of free place for a conference, meeting and studying. When I asked her how much she need to pay for rent, she told me that it's $2900. I was amazed that how she can afford this. It's way more expensive than my current place. It made me doubt about my decision to be an clinician. It would take forever and ever to make money to afford those type of place (I might not able to affor this kind of place forever).

1. Grammar and Sentence Structure:

  • Tense Consistency: Make sure to use consistent verb tenses throughout your writing. For example, "Early of the day, I've watched a YouTube video" should be "Earlier today, I watched a YouTube video."

  • Subject-Verb Agreement: Ensure that the subject and verb agree in number. For example, "They tends to relies on" should be "They tend to rely on."

  • Word Choice: Some words are slightly off or misspelled. For example, "deicision" should be "decision," "belive" should be "believe," "becuase" should be "because," "traniees" should be "trainees," "debute" should be "debut," and "affor" should be "afford."

  • Prepositions: Use the correct prepositions. For example, "I could totally related on that" should be "I could totally relate to that."

2. Clarity and Flow:

  • Pronouns and Articles: Make sure to use the correct pronouns and articles. For example, "Early of the day" should be "Earlier in the day," and "Her place looks awesome. She are living at an apartment complex in farmont, SF" should be "Her place looks awesome. She is living in an apartment complex in Fairmont, SF."

  • Redundancy: Avoid repeating words or ideas unnecessarily. For example, instead of saying "It would take forever and ever," you could simply say "It would take forever."

  • Details and Specificity: Adding more details can help make your writing clearer. For example, instead of saying "I made a new friends group in SF," you could say "I joined a new group of friends in San Francisco."

3. Style and Tone:

  • Natural Phrasing: Some of your sentences could be rephrased to sound more natural in English. For example, instead of "I often get envy about their career," you could say "I often feel envious of their careers."

  • Formal vs. Informal Tone: Consider your audience and choose a tone that fits. Your writing is informal, which is fine for personal reflections, but be mindful of the tone if you're writing for a different purpose.

Self-reflection after I review the feedback.

I need to make sure to not making the same mistakes.

  • Vocab that I make mistakes on spelling: believe, decision, debut, trainees, because

  • Wrong Aricile: earlier in the day or earlier today not early of the day, I'm living in an apartment complex (apt seems specific but it's still in, you use at when it is specific. ex. I'm at Fairmont st).

  • Preposition(전치사): I can totally relate on it. not I can totally related on it. ("related" is used to talk about an association).

  • Natrual phrasing: I get jealous of their career, I feel envious

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