공개 노트 검색


Phrase for today

  • Right off the bat: immediately

  • What were the critics

One of my roommates invited his friends over tonight and we had dinner together. The song "I love you" from Nat King Cole was played on the background and we had an apertif (aperitif as a appetizer drink). Everything was perfect and wholesome. The light... the music.... For entree, we had scampi (scampy) shrimp and ovan-backed brocolini. Random conversation on moose, horror movie and seattle filled up the room. It was wholesome. The vibe, people and the food filled me up from the (my) bottom of my heart. I loved the night but at the (a) same time, it remineded (remind) my good old day in Korea.

During pandemic, I lived in Pohang for awhile living with my friend. We used to host a party almost every week to hang out two of our friends (No worries, it was so country side that we couldn't hangout with any other people). It was a great time. I know I need to move forward but all the good memories that I had in the past come up time to time and linger (lurk) me over my mind. "It would have been great if I could live like that forever." That was the first thought that came to my mind (came up in my mind). The memory was so good that I thought that I wish I could (can - 앞이 thought 이니까 시제 맞추기) have that moment every single day. But, like the pendemic that seemed like being there forever came to the end, I had to get back to the reality. I had to go back to the US and get back to work. Becuase of such a hectic college life, I forgot about that for awhile. I thought I was doing okay living in Ameria. Everything is going well. I got my new job, making my own money, extend my visa in America and all my freinds are such a great people who are supportive and good at listening. But I still miss that moment of my life. I know that it's a memory that I can't really go back. I know that it's in the past but I still don't know how to get over those memory.

It's a night that I got overwhelmed by all the choices that I made.

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