Phrase that I've learned today
For the most part
Totally = True
For gazilion time, bazilion times
A way to emphatize an extremely large number
I listended (listend) a potcast from a youtuber called Emma chamberin. I'm a huge fan of her Youtube (youtube) channel. I think I started watching her Youtube (youtube) videos two years ago and couldn't wait to check out her new videos. Unfortunately, her update cycle has been slower and seems like she is no longer interested in uploading video that often. I think she upload video (every) once in awhile like every 3 or 4 months (monthes)? and I heard that she start podcast instead (instaed). So I looked up spotify and start listening her podcast while I was working on sending emails to participants.
Her podcast was fascinating (facinating). She does (is) not talking about anything special but the way she explain or communicate with penel was so smooth and relatable (easy related). She is a celebrity in America. She even work as an anchor (anckor) for Met gala every year. But, she is making things so much easy to related what's is going on her mind, feelings and things that happening in her life. I think that's the main reason why she is huge in America. I wish I can be someone who can be so easy to related and someone who are good at articulating (articulate) my own feeling and situation to other people. After I graduate college, I've been learning how important it is to have a good communication skills in life.