공개 노트 검색


  1. Draft

I've been realizing how important to have a work and life balance. I start my day having 8 hours of sleep, going on a run in the moring and start working around 10 am. After all my work is done, I start making dinner and end the day with tv shows. What a life. My life is feeled up with lots of fulfillment from my work. I love my friends and also excited about upcoming summer vacation and graduate school application. I'm so satisfied with my life.

  1. Edited version

I've been realizing how important it is to have a work-life balance. I start my day with 8 hours of sleep, go for a run in the morning, and begin working around 10 am. After finishing my work, I make dinner and end the day with TV shows. What a life! My life is filled with lots of fulfillment from my work. I love my friends and am also excited about the upcoming summer vacation and my graduate school application. I'm so satisfied with my life.

  1. Used a vocab/phrase that I made a mistakes

A work-life balance is important in life.

Do you want to meet up after finishing this work?

My life is filled up with joy.

The upcoming vacation would be so much fun!

  1. Phrase I learned from "Young Sheldon" (A Netflix TV show)

    1. Darn it!: 젠장할

    2. I will take it with a grain of salt

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