공개 노트 검색


baloney: foolish

You are full of baloney

mediocrity/mediocre: 그저 그런

The dinner was great but the dessert of mediocre

I got disappointed by the mediocrity of wine

furious: extremely angry

I was furious when I didn't get the job that I wanted.

rebellion: 반란자, 봉기자

disenchanted: disappointed or let down

there are a lot of disenchanted music fans out there

I should have a hang of it: you begin to understand or realize how to do it

off-putting: dislike

I started to watch the TV show called "Young Sheldon". The show is about a young smart boy who got into high school at the age of nine. It is interesting to see the slice of life of him living with a loving family and how he is learning and struggling at the same time in his high school life.

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