공개 노트 검색


I am moving to SF today. I still remember the first time that I arrived at San Francisco airport to start studying at a community college. The smell of the airport was exotic but familiar reminding me of the time that I was traveling around Europe after I graduated high school. I was both full of excitement and nervousness about my new start. When I was living at Concord, going to SF was like a little trip as it took around 2 hrs to get there. But look at me now, who is moving to SF and the restaurant that I went to with my ex is right next to my house. How many days and nights I had to spend crying and trying my ass off to get here? How many things I had to give up to get here? I know that there is still a full of uncertainty in life ahead of me but I am proud of myself got through so many hardships to get here. How many people that I have to say goodbye to to get here? But I like all the changes and progress that I have been making. Compared to my friends, I am way slower than any other people and I make so much less money. But anyhow, I genuinely think that I tried my best and it is the best version that I can ever be. P.S. I am still recovering from the dumped situation I think I might need to go for a guy that I like not go for a guy who is interested in me. or I might just need to take a break. I feel like I am like a car that puts excel and break at the same time.


I am moving to San Francisco today. I still remember the first time I arrived at the San Francisco airport to start studying at a community college. The airport's smell was exotic yet familiar, reminding me of my travels around Europe after graduating high school. I was filled with both excitement and nervousness about my new beginning. When I lived in Concord, visiting San Francisco felt like a mini-adventure since it took about two hours to get there. But now, I'm moving to SF, and the restaurant I used to visit with my ex is right next to my new home.

How many days and nights did I spend crying and working tirelessly to reach this point? How many things did I have to sacrifice to get here? I know the future is still uncertain, but I am proud of myself for overcoming so many hardships to arrive at this moment. How many people did I have to say goodbye to on this journey? Despite everything, I appreciate all the changes and progress I've made. Compared to my friends, I'm slower and earn less money, but I genuinely believe I've done my best and am the best version of myself.

P.S. I'm still recovering from being dumped. I think I might need to pursue someone I genuinely like rather than someone who is merely interested in me. Or maybe I just need to take a break. I feel like a car with both the accelerator and brake pressed at the same time.

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