공개 노트 검색

[커넥팅닷츠] 7. 물고기의 눈으로 바라본 세상 (창조적 시선: 시점 바꾸기)

리오 리오니(Leo Lionni)의 "물고기는 물고기"(fish is fish)라는 유명한 동화책 속 이야기를 소개하겠습니다.

fish is fish, Leo Lionni

fish is fish, Leo Lionni

어느 연못에 작은 물고기가 친구 올챙이가 살고 있었습니다.

친구 올챙이는 자신에게 다리가 생기자 자신이 개구리임을 알게 되었죠.

시간이 흘러 올챙이는 개구리가 되어 친구 물고기를 두고 물 밖 세상으로 나가버립니다.

Collage artwork of a serene pond surrounded by tall grasses and dense woods. In the water, a small, energetic tadpole showcases its newly grown legs to a curious minnow. The scene should emphasize the beginning of change and the innocence of friendship, using generous white space around the pond.

Collage artwork of a serene pond surrounded by tall grasses and dense woods. In the water, a small, energetic tadpole showcases its newly grown legs to a curious minnow. The scene should emphasize the beginning of change and the innocence of friendship, using generous white space around the pond.

Collage illustration focusing on a grassy bank of a pond. A tadpole, with tiny front legs and a shrinking tail, ventures out of the water. A minnow looks on with a mix of amazement and confusion. The white space around the tadpole highlights its journey from water to land, capturing the mood of evolution and growth.

Collage illustration focusing on a grassy bank of a pond. A tadpole, with tiny front legs and a shrinking tail, ventures out of the water. A minnow looks on with a mix of amazement and confusion. The white space around the tadpole highlights its journey from water to land, capturing the mood of evolution and growth.

작은 물고기는 친구를 그리워하면서 어느덧 시간이 흘러 큰 물고기가 되었습니다.

어느날 개구리는 다시 연못으로 친구 물고기를 찾아왔습니다.

그리고 자신이 본 세상에 대해 이야기 해줍니다.

자신이 본 육지 동물들 이야기를 물고기에게 해줍니다.

Minimalist illustration of Frog narrating tales to Fish beside a pond. Geometric shapes depict Frog excitedly talking about birds, while Fish imagines birds with fish bodies flying in the sky. Monochromatic color palette with emphasis on negative space.

Minimalist illustration of Frog narrating tales to Fish beside a pond. Geometric shapes depict Frog excitedly talking about birds, while Fish imagines birds with fish bodies flying in the sky. Monochromatic color palette with emphasis on negative space.

하지만 물고기는 물 밖을 나가 본 일이 없기 때문에

개구리가 이야기해 준 새를 물고기에게 날개가 달린 모습으로 상상합니다.

소(cow)도 이야기하면 물고기의 몸을 가진 다리가 네개 달린 뿔 달린 짐승으로 상상합니다.

Modern minimalist design capturing a bird with fish characteristics in flight. Relying on geometric shapes and a monochromatic palette, the artwork showcases the bird's wings and head smoothly blending into a fish's body and tail. The scene creates a sense of wonder, blending terrestrial and aquatic elements in a harmonious dance.

Modern minimalist design capturing a bird with fish characteristics in flight. Relying on geometric shapes and a monochromatic palette, the artwork showcases the bird's wings and head smoothly blending into a fish's body and tail. The scene creates a sense of wonder, blending terrestrial and aquatic elements in a harmonious dance.

Modern minimalist design of a cow with fish characteristics. Focusing on geometric shapes and a monochromatic palette, capture the creature's essence. The cow's face, with a distinct horn, transitions into a fish body with four legs. The design should be sharp, using repetition in patterns or elements, and convey a sense of wonder at this unique fusion.

Modern minimalist design of a cow with fish characteristics. Focusing on geometric shapes and a monochromatic palette, capture the creature's essence. The cow's face, with a distinct horn, transitions into a fish body with four legs. The design should be sharp, using repetition in patterns or elements, and convey a sense of wonder at this unique fusion.

사람들에 대해서도 마찬가지로 상상하죠.

물고기이기 때문에 물고기의 눈으로 세상을 상상할 뿐이었습니다.

Illustration in minimalist style showcasing a fish with a human torso and limbs, but maintaining its original fish head. The background is plain, placing emphasis on the abstract form of the character, and uses negative space to highlight the subject.

Illustration in minimalist style showcasing a fish with a human torso and limbs, but maintaining its original fish head. The background is plain, placing emphasis on the abstract form of the character, and uses negative space to highlight the subject.

어느날 자신도 그런 세상을 보고 싶었습니다

그래서 온 힘을 다해 물 밖으로 뛰쳐나가 땅위로 올라갑니다.

Minimalist illustration of a fish gasping for air on a bank, with geometric shapes and pastel shades. Emphasis on negative space to highlight the fish's struggle. In the background, there's a hint of the pond and the silhouette of the frog rushing towards the fish.

Minimalist illustration of a fish gasping for air on a bank, with geometric shapes and pastel shades. Emphasis on negative space to highlight the fish's struggle. In the background, there's a hint of the pond and the silhouette of the frog rushing towards the fish.

하지만 물고기는 땅 위에서 숨 조차 쉴 수 없었죠.

다행히 개구리의 도움으로 다시 물 속으로 돌아갈 수 있었습니다.

물고기는 개구리에게 "물고기는 물고기야"라고 말하면서 이야기는 끝이 납니다.

우리는 아마 물고기처럼 생각하고 있는지도 모르겠습니다.

인간의 눈으로 세상을 바라보는 데에 익숙해져

다른 관점으로 세상을 바라보는 방법을 모르고 있는 것은 아닐까요?

주인공이 아닌 악당의 눈으로 바라본 세상은 어떠할까요?

영화 매트릭스에서 주인공 레오가 아닌 스미스요원이 바라보는 세계를 상상해 보고,

영화 매트릭스에서 스미스요원의 눈으로 바라본 세상

영화 매트릭스에서 스미스요원의 눈으로 바라본 세상

Der ungläubige Thomas, Caravaggioum ,1601

Der ungläubige Thomas, Caravaggioum ,1601

카라바지오의 '의심하는 도마'의 시선으로 예수를 바라보면, 혹시 이런 모습은 아닐까요?

DALL·E 2023-10-20 17.41.37 - Watercolor painting of a close-up scene where Christ's hand, with the wound, is softly touched by the fingers of Thomas.

DALL·E 2023-10-20 17.41.37 - Watercolor painting of a close-up scene where Christ's hand, with the wound, is softly touched by the fingers of Thomas.

좀 다른 이야기를 해 볼까요?

실제로,  미국의 물리학자 로버트 윌리엄스 우드는

물통에 렌즈를 넣어서 물고기가 세상을 보는 방식을 실험했습니다.

그의 논문에서 물고기가 어떻게 물속에서 180도에 달하는 시야를 가질 수 있는지

설명했습니다.  그의  ‘어안(魚眼, Fisheye)’이라는 용어를 착안해, 1957년에는

니콘(Nikon)사에서는 세계 최초의 어안렌즈를 출시하기도 하였습니다.

그렇다면, 어안렌즈로 바라보는 세상은 어떠할까요?

어쩌면 Fish is Fish 동화책의 삽화는 수정되어야 할지도 모르겠습니다.

Photo-realistic representation of Monet's iconic painting, but with a modern twist: the entire scene is captured through a fisheye lens, giving the sky, the grass, and the figures a distinctive, warped appearance.

Photo-realistic representation of Monet's iconic painting, but with a modern twist: the entire scene is captured through a fisheye lens, giving the sky, the grass, and the figures a distinctive, warped appearance.

Fisheye lens illustration of 'Swaying Dancer (Dancer in Green)'. The ballet theater appears vast, with the dancer in green's rapid movements emphasized by the lens distortion. The cropped ballerinas in orange and the vast audience add to the immersive and intense atmosphere of the performance.

Fisheye lens illustration of 'Swaying Dancer (Dancer in Green)'. The ballet theater appears vast, with the dancer in green's rapid movements emphasized by the lens distortion. The cropped ballerinas in orange and the vast audience add to the immersive and intense atmosphere of the performance.

Artistic render of 'The Thinker' by Auguste Rodin, reimagined through a fisheye lens. The sculpture dominates the scene, surrounded by other artworks in a vast museum setting. The unique distortion emphasizes its stature, adding a touch of surrealism to the contemplative figure.

Artistic render of 'The Thinker' by Auguste Rodin, reimagined through a fisheye lens. The sculpture dominates the scene, surrounded by other artworks in a vast museum setting. The unique distortion emphasizes its stature, adding a touch of surrealism to the contemplative figure.

글쎄요. 인공지능은 인공지능일 뿐인가요?

































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