[책 추천] GPTs가 대학생을 위해 추천하는 10권의 책
AI가 인간보다 브레인 스토밍을 잘한다? 아이디어 브레인 스토밍 프롬프트
틸노트의 개발자 @glevel 님의 글에 있는 왓튼 스쿨의 브레인 스토밍 예시를 프롬프트로 넣어서 생성한 지피티스입니다.
달의이성) 한국의 대학생을 위한 도서를 10권 추천해줘
1. "깊은 사유의 바다로"
Explore the depths of philosophical thought and introspection with Plato's "Apology of Socrates". This work invites you to question the essence of self and the universe through Socratic dialogue.
2. "코딩으로 만나는 새로운 세계"
Dive into the world of programming with Al Sweigart's "Automate the Boring Stuff with Python". This book makes learning to code fun and practical, perfect for navigating the digital age.
3. "창의성을 깨우는 일상 속 실험들"
Ignite your creativity with Tom Kelley and David Kelley's "Creative Confidence". Learn various ways to foster innovative thinking and bring creative ideas to life.
4. "지속 가능한 미래를 위한 라이프스타일"
Embrace sustainable living with Bea Johnson's "Zero Waste Home". Discover practical tips for reducing waste and leading an eco-friendly lifestyle.
5. "우주로의 초대장"
Satisfy your curiosity about the cosmos with Mary Roach's "Packing for Mars". This book provides accessible insights into astronomy and space science.
6. "시간 관리의 기술"
Enhance your productivity with Cal Newport's "Deep Work". Learn effective time management strategies to maximize efficiency in your busy college life.
7. "감성을 자극하는 세계 문학 여행"
Broaden your worldview with the "Open the World" literature series. Experience diverse cultures and deepen your understanding of humanity through global literary works.
(존재하지 않는 책인 것 같습니다. 할루시네이션)
8. "미래를 그리는 디자인 사고"
Develop problem-solving skills with Tim Brown's "Design Thinking". Discover how design thinking can lead to innovative solutions and creative outcomes.
9. "마음의 평화, 명상과 요가"
Find inner peace with Eckhart Tolle's "The Power of Now". This guide to meditation and yoga offers strategies for stress management and achieving tranquility.
10. "세계를 여는 문, 언어의 힘"
Explore the impact of language learning with Gaston Dorren's "Lingo". Understand the importance of languages in shaping personal life and global perception.